Ayoung Kim, a 33 year old Contemporary Photographer/Artist from South Korea, documents her reflections on current affairs and events she reads in the South Korean and British media. She is best known for Ephemeral Ephemera – her series of whimsical narrative montages commenting on the frivolity of modern times.

Ephemeral Ephemera – 01, 2007. Accept North Korea into the nuclear club or bomb it now. © Ayung Kim

Ephemeral Ephemera – 03, 2007. Entertainers’ suicides in succession, why? © Ayung Kim

Ephemeral Ephemera – 08, 2008. British teacher found buried in bathtub of sand, 28 March, 2007. © Ayoung Kim

Ephemeral Ephemera – 09, 2008. CCTV captures death chase, 19 July 2007. © Ayoung Kim

Ephemeral Ephemera – 06, 2007. Headless body found in Thames, 21 April, 2007. © Ayoung Kim

Ephemeral Ephemera – 07, 2007. Man hits bus roof after 70Ft death plunge, 29 May, 2007. © Ayoung Kim
A little video interview with Ayoung Kim on her ‘Minima Memoria’ exhibition in London.
More on Ayoung Kim : www.parisbeijingphotogallery.com/main/ayoungkim.asp
Comments 9
Ayoung Kim, a 33 year old Contemporary Photographer/Artist from South Korea
Photographer Spotlight: Ayoung Kim, South Korea http://t.co/RPeK6ux4
Photographer Spotlight: Ayoung Kim, South Korea http://t.co/rWUInNw1
Photographer Spotlight: Ayoung Kim, South Korea http://t.co/rWUInNw1
Photographer Spotlight: Ayoung Kim, South Korea http://t.co/XMz6lGdv via @zite
Photographer Spotlight: Ayoung Kim, South Korea http://t.co/rWUInNw1
Photographer Spotlight: Ayoung Kim, South Korea http://t.co/o0KO0hyd
Photographer Spotlight: Ayoung Kim, South Korea http://t.co/EKsJZjSP #photojournalism
Photographer Spotlight: Ayoung Kim, South Korea. #ipaphotoasia http://t.co/EFJzKbfr