Title: The Lion Dance
Chinese New Year Celebrations is still felt around my area and this kid was pretending to be playing a lion dance and instead of using a real lion dance costume, he improvised it by using a Box and some plastic.
Photographer: Kelvin Ah Kian
Website: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kinoz/
Camera: Nikon D60 with Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5 – f/5.6
Comments 5
It was dark on the walkway and basically no light illuminating the box, so i have to dodge it during post-processing. :D
thought he was carrying something heavy
RT @InvisPhotogAsia: Photo Single: The Lion Dance, by Kelvin Ah Kian. http://fb.me/Q1iCsgR0
Photo Single: The Lion Dance, by Kelvin Ah Kian http://bit.ly/hGvF63 #photojournalism
Photo Single: The Lion Dance, by Kelvin Ah Kian. http://fb.me/Q1iCsgR0