15 Things to find in 2015 to improve your Photo Karma
1. Find someone with a strong vocation, be it photography, art, social work or politics, and talk to him/her for 90 minutes.
2. Find someone whose opinion you trust and listen to only him/her advice for a year.
3. Find someone who has no interest in photography and share with them a body of work that truly touches you.
4. Find an uncomfortable place between success and failure and put the keys to both doors in your pocket.
5. Find the reason why you want to do what you want to do.
6. Find a good Photo Festival you have never been to and go.
7. Find a project in your own backyard to photograph.
8. Find a Photo Project you want to do and write about it first before taking pictures.
9. Find five random strangers and ask for directions to a familiar place.
10. Find a random page in your favourite book and photograph what you read.
11. Find your equal in photography and pace him/her, quietly.
12. Find time to photograph a place, without your camera.
13. Find someone you photographed last year and write them a letter.
14. Find a photograph in your archive you dislike and make it better.
15. Find time to close your eyes.