I fell on a pitch black hole, I even walked my way to insanity. I’m out now and the most important thing is I am still here.
Depression is the backfire of the repression of my traumatic childhood experiences: Physical and verbal abuse, the absence of parental care and so on that caused a ripple effect towards my adulthood.
My longing for parental attention damaged my decisions and perspective up to my romantic relationships. Pictures of me being raped rewind in mind but I’m not so sure anymore if it did happen.
This is my first intimate photo diary in film. Printed, written, scratched then scanned. This was while and after my illness took its toll that I tried to slit my throat and inflicted wounds on my arms. I fell on a pitch black hole, I even walked my way to insanity. I initiated hospitalization. I’m out now and the most important thing is I am still here.
Photographs & Text: Vivien Yumul, Philippines. Website: www.instagram.com/anxiousmammal
Vivien Yumul is a starting artist/photographer, thinker, observer and a broadcast communication student who resides in the bustling city of Manila.