Magnum Photos commissioned Sohrab Hura and Raghu Rai to photograph the canonisation of Mother Theresa and her legacy in India.
Part 2: Interview with Prashant Panjiar
Part 2 of our frank interview with Prashant Panjiar, Delhi Photo Festival co-founder and World Press Photo 2016 Judge.
Sometimes you can destroy your photography by being a photographer
A selection of memorable quotes from our articles and interviews.
Getting Personal with Sohrab Hura – An interview with Magnum’s new nominee
Young photographer Sohrab Hura from Delhi was recently made a nominee member by Magnum Photos. But who is this Facebook-less Sohrab guy?
Getting Personal – 8 Photo Essays on Family in Asia
A selection of essays by photographers who have pointed their lenses inwards on their family – a view into their personal lives.