I was recently loaned a Fuji X-Pro1 with a 35mm f1.4 lens (equivalent to 50mm field of view) for a week to try out. I shot lots of photos of my baby girl and brought the camera out for a trial on two mornings.
The X-Pro1 is about the size of a Leica M as can be seen from the 2 photos below. It does not feel as solid as the Leica M but is heavy enough to not feel like a toy camera.
Like the earlier Fuji X100, I really enjoyed using the hybrid optical viewfinder and found the quality of the images from the camera (even at higher ISOs) excellent. I have done a couple of large prints (18×12″ and 11.5×7.7″) from the camera and am very pleased with the results. The autofocus of the X-Pro1 is not very fast as mentioned by the many reviews available. There definitely is a noticeable lag from when I depress the shutter button to the time the camera obtains a focus lock. That said, I found the autofocus to be very accurate in that it manages to lock onto the area I focus on even in extremely dark environments.
The following is a selection of photos from my walkabouts. For the X-Pro1, I did not use aperture or shutter priority. Shutter speeds of 1/125s to 1/500s and apertures of f1.4 to f4 were manually set while shooting, depending on what was being shot. ISO was set to Auto ISO 1600 or 3200; so the camera was still determining the correct exposure by adjusting the ISO on the fly. The RAW files were post processed according to my personal preferences in Lightroom 4.1 and Photoshop (B&W conversion, adding in some grain/noise to some photos and downsizing for the web). Most of the indoor photographs were shot wide open at ISO 1600 to 3200.
Rollover images for slideshow controls
I found the X-Pro1 quite fun for street photography. Like a Leica M, the optical viewfinder allowed me to look outside the image capture area to see and anticipate what was entering the frame. The autofocus seemed alright for subjects that were from 1.5 to 2 metres onwards but struggled a bit to lock focus with closer subjects (especially if the subject was not static). With a bit of anticipation, I found that even with the focus lag, there was enough time to focus, recompose, fully depress the shutter button and still capture the moment.
Comments 41
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/PmT6Qmfd
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/1Y51JSHD
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/ipiDrR1z
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/PmT6Qmfd
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/PmT6Qmfd
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/PmT6Qmfd
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/PmT6Qmfd
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/PmT6Qmfd
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/PmT6Qmfd
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/PmT6Qmfd
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/A6lRTXv3
Wow! Very professional!
@mabellog FYI // FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/oM6ukVFt via @zite
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial #photography #camera #gear http://t.co/JZKAHcr3
#Fuji X Pro 1.. Another test… http://t.co/saIzK4Dm
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/7LUBUPmb
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/7LUBUPmb
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/7LUBUPmb
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/7LUBUPmb
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/7LUBUPmb
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/tUU905GC
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/7LUBUPmb
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial #photography #camera #gear http://t.co/JZKAHcr3
RT @InvisPhotogAsia: FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/w2I8wRNQ
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/7LUBUPmb
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial. http://t.co/7LUBUPmb
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/7eoJ4kQB #x-pro1 #fujifilm
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/fOGXrmWS
Lovely shots and a nice article. On the issue of the camera, I own the XPRO-1 (all lenses) and the X10. The fact that FUJI dares to sell out the XPRO-1 7 months after its introduction shows they are not ready to compete on the high-end market. Would Leica consider to discontinue their Monochrome so soon?
I love the camera and will enjoy it for years to come. But as a brand FUJI has shown their true colors. Never experiment at the expense of your top tear clients
“The fact that FUJI dares to sell out the XPRO-1 7 months after its introduction shows they are not ready to compete on the high-end market.”
What are you talking about?
Very exciting work, certainly has sold the camera to me.
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/hBuyxfs5 via @zite
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/hBuyxfs5 via @zite
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/hBuyxfs5 via @zite
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial | Invisible Ph t grapher Asia (IPA) http://t.co/FQ4gHszN
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/H696nbsg via @zite
Very nice. RT @InvisPhotogAsia: Latest Post: The FUJIFILM X-Pro1 Camera On Trial. #ipaphotoasia http://t.co/7gZ1pIgo
FUJIFILM X-Pro1 On Trial http://t.co/Y3D9duz1 #photojournalism
Check this out: @invisphotogasia: The FUJIFILM X-Pro1 Camera On Trial. #ipaphotoasia http://t.co/s6TmFDn2
Latest Post: The FUJIFILM X-Pro1 Camera On Trial. #ipaphotoasia
Latest Post: The FUJIFILM X-Pro1 Camera On Trial. #ipaphotoasia http://t.co/IrUvqTfF