Photo Essay: Manila North Cemetery – A Placid Coexistence with the Departed, by John Javellana

Tammy David Photography, PROJECTS 12 Comments

It’s a common perception amongst us mortals to think of cemeteries and graveyards as eerie places to find ourselves in at. Throughout our history from folklore to pop culture; to even the devout and the pagans; mankind has established any burial grounds as something that is hallowed for the departed.

Reminders Project Asian Photographers Grant Finalist #4: Agnes Dherbeys

IPA Photography 9 Comments

In this article, we highlight the third finalist for the inaugural Reminders Project Asian Photographers Grant. We take a look at Agnes Dherbey’s project #K76-3613, a personal journey which challenges the way photography can be used to learn about oneself, and also seeks to inquire upon the feelings of adopted children and the women who give their children up for adoption.